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50 litres TPC with sCMOS-based optical readout for the CYGNO project

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Sant’Elpidio a Mare: torna “Scienza in Contrada”, domani il primo appuntamento

Si prosegue, poi, il 28 maggio alle ore 18.00 con “Energia e Sostenibilità”. In questo appuntamento, il Prof. Giovanni Mazzitelli dell’INFN proporrà una riflessione su sfruttamento delle risorse naturali, efficienza energetica, sviluppo sostenibile e problemi economici-sociali connessi: tematiche quanto mai d’attualità data la situazione geo-politica attuale. Entrambi gli appuntamenti si svolgeranno presso la Sede della Contrada Santa Maria, nel centro storico di Sant’Elpidio a Mare

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Call for application International Scientific School ILS_Innovative Learning Spaces “Schools to be lived“. Earlybird registration deadline 30th May

We are glad to announce the Call for Application for the V edition of ILS Innovative Learning Spaces “Schools to be lived”,
the Scientific School organized by the DICAAR (Department of Civil, Enivornmental Engineering and Architecture, University of Cagliari) and the DADU (Department of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning, University of Sassari) in collaboration with the national network of PRIN ProSA – Prototypes of Schools to be Lived (IUAV, UNICA, Polimi, UNIVPM, Uni Campania, INDIRE), with the contribution of Sardegna Ricerche nd Fondazione di Sardegna.   
ILS 2022_Schools to be lived aims at designing the school of the future, trying to erase the existing limits between the dimension of the school space and that of the real world, of everyday life, characterised by rapid exchange of information, new technologies, social and virtual environments, BIM design and sustainability.
We intend to explore these concepts in the activities of ILS 2022 with an operational workshop where experts, students and professionals from the world of business can collaborate in the development of new ideas and project proposals according to principles of interdisciplinarity and transversality. 
The Scientific School is open to students, undergraduates, graduates and professionals in the field of design, education and school training interested in innovative learining spaces. 
The school is open to 35 students maximum
The deadline for the earlybird registration is the 30th May 2022.
To apply please fill out the form on the website at the following link:

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